Cambodia weather

Every traveler wants to find out useful information about weather before departing from any journeys. If you have plans to travel Cambodia in this year, here is necessary information about Cambodia weather you should know. We update exact weather news of Cambodia everyday to provide you the best time of Cambodia weather for your holiday.

Cambodia’s dry season lasts from October to March of a year when the humid in the air is rather low due to the influence of north monsoon with hot wind blowing across the entire country. In the period from November to January, it is quite cool but this is the time of nicest weather in Cambodia with the temperature about 20 degrees C that is the ideal conditions for you to travel. Also in this time, Cambodia’s tourist numbers reach the peak. Visit Cambodia with Indochina tours

 Cambodia in the nicest weather
Cambodia in the nicest weather

January and February are the driest months and there is almost no rain in these two months. From April on, it maybe the hottest month in Cambodia and its temperatures can reach 40 degrees C and you will feel uncomfortable if they go tour of Cambodia in that time.

Cambodia’s rainy season as usual begins from mid-June to October. Due to the influence of the southwest monsoon, it is raining everyday usually from the late afternoon to the evening. But, you needn’t to worry about Cambodia weather that affects much your plan to visit because of rain; on the other hand, the cooler atmosphere will make tourists more comfortable when travelling. Rains in Cambodia are often very heavy and often are accompanied by thunder, but do not last long. If you are engaged in photography, this is the very wonderful moment when the sky is very beautiful to take the spectacular images.

Angko Wat in the wet season
Angko Wat in the wet season

September is the greatest time of rainfall in Cambodia, however, depending on each region and each year that has the different rainfall. Despite of this, some visitors want to go to Cambodia tours at this time because there are still many wonderful things to explore. Fresh natural landscape, beautiful waterfalls and rivers, daytime temperatures in Cambodia in September of about 24 degrees C and the slightly cold evenings, etc which all are memorial experience.

The Indochina Voyages team.

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