What to do in Mekong Delta Vietnam? – Travel guide 2024-2025

If you’re wondering what to do in Mekong Delta Vietnam, you’re in for a treat. This river delta in southern Vietnam offers a fascinating blend of natural wonders, rich culture, and unforgettable adventures. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the must-do activities that capture the essence of this captivating region. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a food lover, or a culture seeker, our guide to what to do in Mekong Delta Vietnam will help you make the most of your visit to this watery wonderland.

When is the ideal time to visit?

The ideal time to visit the Mekong Delta in Vietnam largely depends on your preferences, but many travelers find the dry season from December to April most appealing. During these months, you’ll enjoy warm, sunny weather with temperatures ranging from 22°C to 35°C (72°F to 95°F) and minimal rainfall.

This period offers excellent conditions for exploring floating markets, cycling through villages, and indulging in the region’s bountiful fruit harvest. The water levels are lower, making it easier to navigate on foot and by bicycle.

However, the Mekong Delta has something unique to offer year-round. The wet season (May to November) brings lush, vibrant landscapes and fewer tourists, though you should be prepared for daily short rainfall. It’s also worth considering the shoulder seasons of April-May and November-December, which provide a balance of good weather and smaller crowds.

FYI: The Tet holiday (usually in late January or early February) can bring increased prices and crowds but also offers a chance to experience vibrant cultural celebrations.

mekong delta vietnam in dry season
Mekong delta Vietnam in dry season

Best 10 what to do in Mekong Delta Vietnam

1. Take a boat trip

The best way to travel through the complex system of rivers and rivulets of the Mekong River is to take a boat trip. With this, you will slowly pass through all the incredible scenery of the river, the orchards and rice paddles, as well as enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the rural life in Southern Vietnam.

When you have to pass through some small rivulets, you will be transferred to a tiny craft where a local, most often an old man or old woman, will boat. It would be an interesting experience for every traveler coming there.

Taking a boat
Taking a boat is the best way to enjoy your trip to the Mekong River Delta

2. Visit a floating market and buy some fruit

There are many floating markets downstream of the Mekong River in Vietnam. At the floating markets, you can feel the bustling atmosphere which is not common in rural life. However, this feeling is comfortable since it is nowhere close to the noisy atmosphere of the city. You can even buy some very fresh fruit at much lower price than when you buy them at the supermarket.

You can catch the vibrant scene of hundreds of boats of all shapes and sizes, from tiny sampans to larger boats heavily laden with produce, gathering to do business. The air is filled with a cacophony of voices as vendors called out their wares – “Dứa ngọt!” (Sweet pineapples!) and “Cam tươi!” (Fresh oranges!)

floating market
Visit a floating market to enjoy the vibrant life in the rural area.

3. Go inside a fruit orchard

The Mekong River Delta is called the fruit basket of Southern Vietnam because most of the fruit in the region is grown here. Visiting the fruit orchards, you can see various kinds of fruit growing and sample them straight from the tree.

You try to taste as many fruits as you can when they are still fresh and taste the best. In some orchards, the owners even have some groups of traditional folk musicians perform to entertain tourists when they visit their orchards.

fruit orchard
Visit a fruit orchard to see a hundred kinds of fruit growing and try them all

4. Stay at a local homestay

For a truly immersive experience, you should at a homestay and experience the local life. During the day, you can help with daily chores – feeding the chickens, picking vegetables from the garden, and even trying your hand at fishing in their pond.

In the evenings, you can sit on the veranda, sipping rice wine and sharing stories. Despite the language barrier, you can communicate through gestures, smiles, and your few words in Vietnamese.

Relax at a local homestay
Relax at a local homestay

5. The Art of Noodle Making

If you are a food lover, then you should visit a family-run noodle-making factory in Sadec, where three generations worked together to create these delicate strands.

The process is fascinating. You can watch as they soak and ground the rice, transforming it into a milky batter. This is then steamed into thin sheets, cut into strips, and dried in the sun.

Dry noodles in the sun
Dry noodles in the sun

6. Cycling Through Rural Vietnam

Swapping boats for bicycles, you can discover Mekong Delta in a fascinating way. Pedaling along narrow paths between rice paddies, you will be struck by the vibrant green of the young rice shoots stretching to the horizon.

In one village, you should stop to watch farmers plowing their fields with water buffaloes, a method used for centuries. Maybe an elderly farmer invites you to try – it will be incredibly hard work, and I can gain a new respect for these hardy people.

Moreover, you can paddle through orchards heavy with rambutans, longans, and dragon fruit. At one point, a group of giggling children join you on their bikes, proudly showing you around their village and practicing their English. It will be definitely a fantastic activity in the Mekong Delta.

cycling tour
Cycling is a fantastic way to discover Mekong Delta

7. Cooking in the Delta

If you want to learn more about Vietnam cuisine, it’s advisable to sign up for a full-day cooking class in Can Tho. You can start early, and visit the local market to buy ingredients. The chef will show you how to select the freshest produce and bargain like a local.

Back in the outdoor kitchen, you then prepare a feast: fresh spring rolls, caramelized fish in a clay pot, and green mango salad. The chef will share tips passed down through generations, like how to properly wrap a spring roll so it doesn’t fall apart.

8. The Enchanted Forest of Tra Su

Venturing to Tra Su Cajuput Forest, an otherworldly ecosystem in An Giang province deep into the region’s nature. The water is dotted with vibrant green duckweed, broken only by the straight trunks of cajuput trees rising from the water.

You should try a rowing boat to explore deeper into the forest. The silence is broken only by the call of birds and the gentle splash of the oar. There are several species of birds, including the spectacular purple heron.

tra su forest
Tra Su forest

9. Sweet Delights in Ben Tre

No trip to the Mekong Delta would be complete without visiting Ben Tre, known as the “coconut capital” of Vietnam. You can tour a coconut candy workshop, where you see how these chewy treats are made from the abundance of coconuts in the region. The process is fascinating – from extracting the coconut cream to cooking it with malt syrup to the skilled workers quickly cutting and wrapping each piece.

You can also visit a nearby honey farm. The beekeeper will show you their hives and explain how the unique floral environment of the Delta influences the honey’s flavor. Don’t miss the chance to sample several varieties, including a delicious longan flower honey.

10. Reflections at Vinh Trang Pagoda

Vinh Trang Pagoda in My Tho is a must-see sacred site in the Mekong Delta. This beautiful complex blends Vietnamese, Khmer, and Chinese architectural styles. The gardens are a peaceful oasis, with ancient bonsai trees and giant Buddhas overlooking the grounds.

Vinh Trang pagoda
The unique structure of Vinh Trang pagoda

How to reach Mekong Delta Vietnam?

Reaching the Mekong Delta in Vietnam is relatively straightforward, with several options available depending on your starting point and preferences:

The most common route is from Ho Chi Minh City, where you can choose between regular bus services, private car hire, or organized tours. Buses are the most economical option, taking 3-4 hours to reach popular Delta towns like My Tho or Can Tho. Keep in mind that traffic can be heavy when leaving Ho Chi Minh City, especially during rush hours.

For those coming from further place, domestic flights to Can Tho International Airport connect the Delta with major Vietnamese cities like Hanoi and Da Nang.

If you’re traveling from Cambodia, both bus and boat options are available from Phnom Penh, offering either a quick journey or a scenic river cruise.

Regardless of your chosen method, it’s advisable to book in advance during peak seasons and holidays.


Is it worth going to Mekong Delta?

Yes, it’s definitely worth exploring! With natural reserves, old customs, and tropical islands, the Mekong Delta has so much to see and do that you may spend weeks driving around.

What is the best month to do a Mekong River cruise?

November to January is considered the greatest time of year to go on a Mekong River cruise since the temperature is not too hot or too cold, and there is no heavy rain.

How to get around Mekong Delta?

Getting around the Mekong Delta involves a mix of water and land transportation:

  • Boats are the most characteristic option, ranging from small sampans to larger tour vessels, ideal for exploring canals and floating markets.
  • On land, motorbikes and bicycles offer flexibility for short trips, while buses connect major towns. In urban areas, taxis and ride-hailing services are available.
  • Many travelers opt for organized tours combining multiple transport methods.
  • For the best experience, mix boat travel with land options, be flexible with schedules, and embrace the region’s relaxed pace.

Hope this travel blog encourages you to explore the beauty of the Mekong Delta and guides you in planning an unforgettable journey through this unique region of Vietnam. Remember, experiencing the Mekong Delta is not just about visiting tourist spots. It’s about immersing yourself in the local way of life, connecting with friendly people, and creating lasting memories. So, pack your sense of adventure and get ready to discover the enchanting Mekong Delta!

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