Floating village in Cambodia – Travel guide & Insider tips

The floating village in Cambodia is an amazing insight into a unique way of life that exists on the waters of the Tonle Sap Lake. These communities feature houses built on stilts and boats as the main mode of transportation. In this blog post, we will explore why you should visit the floating village in Cambodia, highlight the most notable floating villages, and provide practical tips for planning your visit.

Why you should visit the floating vilage in Cambodia?

Beyond the marverlous Angkor Wat temples of Angkor Wat, Cambodia is also home to some of the most traditional floating villages hardly touched by modernity. Here’s why a visit to Cambodia’s floating villages should be on your travel bucket list:

  • Off the beaten path from temple tours
  • Discover the lifestyle of floating home villagers
  • Appreciate your own life more
  • Support the local community
  • Confront the reality of poverty
  • See houses, schools, and restaurants on stilts
  • View Tonle Sap Lake from a boat
The Tonlesap Lake in Cambodia

Must-see floating village in Cambodia

floating village in Cambodia
Must-see floating village in Cambodia

Kompong Phluk floating village

Kampong Phluk, which means “harbor of the tusks” in Cambodian, is made up of three villages with mostly stilted houses along the main entrance to the Tonle Sap Lake. It’s just over 30km from Siem Reap and can be easily visited in a half-day trip.

During the journey from Siem Reap, you’ll gain fascinating insight into rural life before boarding a boat to the village. Along the way, you’ll see houses of all shapes and sizes floating on bamboo or oil drums. These houses include shops and a school, and souvenir shops also display locally caught crocodiles. During the rainy season, when the lake swells, the village appears to float, while in the dry season, the stilts become fully visible, showcasing the impressive height of these structures.

When you visit this floating market, you’ll see the real local villagers busy with their daily activities like fishing, doing laundry, cooking, and children paddling to school, rather than trying to sell things to tourists. It’s surprising to see pigs, cats, chickens, and dogs also living there. The community primarily sustains itself by catching fish and shrimp, but also harvests some land crops during the dry season.

Kompong Phluk floating village
Kompong Phluk floating village

Kampong Khleang floating village

If you’re looking for an authentic experience in Cambodia, Kampong Khleang floating village is a must-visit. This floating village is one of the largest floating villages on Tonle Sap Lake and remains largely untouched by mass tourism.

Kampong Khleang, literally meaning “harbour warehouse”. This floating village is about 55 kilometers from Siem Reap, making it a bit farther than other floating villages but worth the journey.

The boat service here is owned and run by locals, meaning your money is supporting the local community. It’s also possible to make your own way there by tuk tuk and hiring a boat once you arrive, giving you more flexibility with timing.

Kampong Khleang floating village
Kampong Khleang floating village

Chong Kneas floating village

Chong Kneas is one of the most accessible floating villages on Tonle Sap Lake, located just 16 kilometers south of Siem Reap. Its proximity to the city makes it a popular destination for tourists. The village is known for its dynamic floating community, complete with homes, schools, and markets that adapt to the changing water levels of the lake.

Chong Kneas is quite interesting, but it tends to be overcrowded with tourists and may not be as charming and unspoiled as the floating villages located farther from Siem Reap.

Chong Kneas floating village
Chong Kneas floating village

Mey Chrey floating village

Mey Chrey floating village is a hidden gem located in the heart of Cambodia, which is about 15 kilometers south of Siem Reap.

When you visit Mey Chrey floating village, don’t miss the chance to check out the floating markets. Local fishermen sell their fresh catch of fish, crabs, and prawns, as well as fruits and veggies from the floating gardens. You can see the lively activity of vendors and buyers bargaining and trading, creating a vibrant and colorful scene.

Mey Chrey floating village
Local life at Mey Chrey floating village

When is the best time to visit floating village in Cambodia?

The best time to vist the floating village in Cambodia is the dry season (November to April): During the dry season, the lake recedes and the floating villages become more like stilted communities. This can be a good time to visit if you want to avoid the crowds and see the traditional way of life in the villages.

During the wet season (June to October), you can see the floating villages at their most impressive. The lake grows to five times its normal size, creating a huge inland sea and flooding the nearby forests. This is when you’ll see the iconic image of houses on stilts surrounded by water. However, it can be wet and humid, and some places may be hard to reach by boat.

Insider tips to visit

  • Hire a local guide: A local guide can help you navigate the waterways, translate for you, and provide insights into the lives of the villagers. They can also help you choose a village that is less touristy and more authentic.
  • Early morrning: Arrive early in the morning to avoid the crowds and experience the village waking up for the day.
  • Be respectful of the villagers: The floating villages are homes to people, so be mindful of your noise level and avoid taking photos without permission. A little courtesy goes a long way!
  • Bring small gifts: The villagers often appreciate small gifts, such as school supplies or candy for the children. You can also inquire with your guide if there’s anything specific the villagers need.
  • Learn some basic Khmer phrases: A few basic Khmer phrases will go a long way in showing the villagers that you are interested in their culture. Here are a few helpful phrases:
    • Chum reap suor (Siem Reap): Hello
    • Shukran (shoo-krahn): Thank you

Where to go next?

After visiting the floating villages, there are plenty of other fascinating destinations to explore in Cambodia:

  • Angkor Wat: The iconic temple complex near Siem Reap is a must-visit.
  • Phnom Penh: The capital city offers historical sites such as the Royal Palace and the Killing Fields.
  • Battambang: Known for its colonial architecture and the famous Bamboo Train.

Suggested Mekong cruises

Floating village in Cambodia has become something of an interest for travelers visiting Cambodia. Whether you’re taking an adventure or going on one of your cruises to Cambodia from Vietnam, a visit to these fascinating attractions will be the highlight of your trip.

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